Thanks for shopping in Mighty Party.
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we are here to help. But to make things clear, firstly let's set up some necessary definitions.
In order to avoid any uncertanties in our terminology going forward on this subject, we are implementing a term Non-Activated Program Elements. What’s meant by those is described by terms Virtual Currencies and Virtual Items in the End User License Agreement, ch. 4 “IN-GAME VIRTUAL CURRENCY AND VIRTUAL ITEMS”.
In simpler terms - pretty much anything you buy in our game (resources, heroes, items, etc.) counts as Non-Activated Program Elements. Having established that, let's move on to Returns and Refunds policies
Returns and Refunds
Please note that we are selling digital products which are not eligible for returns and refunds, as they are downloadable and licensed. As a customer, you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any Non-Activated Program Elements in Mighty Party.
Due to some third-party issues, for example any technical issues on a payment provider’s side, you might not receive purchased Non-Activated Program Elements from us. In this case, we recommend contacting us for assistance.
Important to mention, that in order for us to help you, we will need the screenshot of the receipt with the transaction code from your payment system for these Non-Activated Program Elements.
In case of breaching this Refund Policy by initiating a refund by you, we have the right to withdraw the Non-Activated Program Elements you want to get refund for from your game account. In case you don’t have these Non-Activated Program Elements on the account (they were spent or used before initiating or receiving a refund), we have the right to block access to your account.
Please note that breaching of this Refund Policy may be considered as fraudulent activity if taken to the extreme.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, contact our customer support service.
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