Lucky Hand can be found in the Event Center.
One attempt at Lucky Hand costs 100 Lucky Charm.
After you pay the entry fee of 100 Lucky Charm, the game will start.
Here you will be able to pick 1 out of 4 cards, where 3 of those 4 will lead you to the next round, while 1 card will end your run.
If you happen to pick the wrong card, you will have the choice to either end your run and leave all earned rewards behind or pay an additional fee and continue playing. Additional attempts will get more and more expensive the more you lose during one run.
1. Give up your current run, but lose everything you have earned so far.
2. Continue playing, but for the cost of an additional fee.
If you manage to pick the correct cards for all 30 rounds, you will be rewarded with 5 legendary chests.
Lucky Charms can be earned by completing quests:
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