Welcome to the Treasure Hunt, a mini-event revolving around digging down a mine and finding various artifacts and treasures.
The Mine
Once the event starts, you get some pickaxes. Drag and drop them onto lit tiles to destroy them and uncover either an empty space or some loot. Dirt tiles take 1 pickaxe and stone tiles take 2 pickaxes, while deepslate tiles cannot be destroyed.
You will occasionally receive dynamite. Use it to destroy several tiles.
To replenish your supplies of digging instruments, spin the Roulette. Each spin costs 100 energy. Energy can be replenished from chests, found in the Mine, or obtained in Excavation Deals.
Sometimes you will see something glowing in the mines — collectible items.
When you acquire enough of them, you can redeem them in the "Collectibles" tab for great rewards!
Note: if you skip some layers that could've contained items, they will generate in the lower levels.
Like most other events, the Treasure Hunt also has Ranking. It works similarly: the more cells you destroy, the higher will you place, and the greater will your reward be!
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